Featured Student: Jintong Yan

Jintong Yan: Statistics (Graduate Program)

STUDENT: Jintong Yan

FIELD OF STUDY: Statistics


"Co-op offers an opportunity to acquire genuine job searching and interview experience. It enriches my work experience and background, thereby enhancing my market value when I graduate and begin searching for jobs."

What is your field of study?

I graduated with my Master of Science in Statistics in May 2023.

Why did you choose to enroll in Co-op?

Co-op offers an opportunity to acquire genuine job searching and interview experience. It enriches my work experience and background, thereby enhancing my market value when I graduate and begin searching for jobs.

Additionally, I believe that Co-op is an excellent opportunity to discover the types of jobs that best suit me and identify the roles which I am truly passionate about.

Co-op also provides income, which alleviates financial burden and brings a sense of achievement.

Which positions did you work during Co-op?

I worked as a statistician in PROOF Centre, a non-profit organization that focuses on developing biomarker solutions for healthcare. This aligns closely with my academic background.

At PROOF Centre, we collaborate with various organizations that provide us with data, such as protein or RNA data, for research purposes.

For instance, some of our research endeavors focus on understanding how changes in gene expression may be linked to chronic diseases. We acquire longitudinal gene data, which tracks these genes over time. We then employ statistical analysis to discern how these genes or gene pathways evolve over time, which greatly contributes to our understanding of these diseases. 

Additionally, there are specific databases for certain medications, documenting how they can impact gene expression. As a result, for different genes affected by various diseases, we can use this information to develop or tailor new medicines. 

In the medical field, we have a wide range of extensive databases. Some contain gene information, others hold patient data, some encompass drug details and still others comprise healthcare utilization statistics. All of these resources are invaluable for the exploration of new drugs, understanding disease characteristics and optimizing the allocation of medical care. 

When conducting research and requiring data from these existing databases, data analysts should be familiar with the definition of each variable, how to extract them from the database and the method of variable calculation. To comprehend and explore essential data characteristics, descriptive analysis is needed. To investigate the correlation between diseases and individuals' information, regression analysis is required. Hence, it becomes evident that a solid foundation in statistical knowledge, whether foundational or advanced, is necessary in the medical field. 

Can you share your favourite experience while in Co-op?

When I started my Co-op placement, the first task my supervisor assigned me was not a new project. Instead, he provided me with a set of toy data. He encouraged me to learn and understand it thoroughly, then to generate a list of questions that I found interesting regarding this data.

Subsequently, my supervisor tasked me with applying the methods I was familiar with, or researching new ones, to address these questions.

This initial phase was like a brainstorming period and I found it highly enjoyable.

What was your best achievement in Co-op?

I followed a project to develop biomarkers for guiding immunosuppression strategies during cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in heart transplant patients.

I mainly worked with code and visualization, as well as participated in analysis and methods, which I completed very well and received approval from my supervisor and colleagues. 

What did you feel most challenged by and how did you overcome it?

The most challenging aspect of my work is understanding the background of the projects and how the protein or RNA data is obtained.

This requires some biological knowledge. Prior to conducting any data analysis, my supervisor provided me with research papers related to the topic. I read them to gain a basic understanding of what I needed to do and how the data was extracted.

If I still had questions, I reached out to my supervisor or other colleagues who specialize in this area.

Jintong Yan: Statistics (Graduate Program)

How do you feel Co-op helped your personal growth?

During my Co-op experience, I gained valuable insights into effective teamwork and efficient work methods.

For instance, when encountering unfamiliar concepts or knowledge gaps, I learned the importance of proactive learning. It's essential to take the initiative to study and understand these topics independently and then to consolidate the knowledge.

Once I had a clear understanding of what I didn't know, I found it beneficial to engage in discussions with colleagues.

On the other hand, when faced with uncertainties such as understanding system processes, project objectives or specific requirements from my supervisor, it was crucial to promptly seek assistance from others. Rather than spending excessive time on speculation, reaching out to colleagues for clarification allowed me to grasp these critical points quickly.

How do you feel Co-op has helped your career?

My Co-op experience enabled me to discover my passions and strengths, providing valuable insights into my future career path.

It also highlighted areas where further education and skill development will be necessary to align myself with my desired job.

What advice would you offer future Co-op students?

Firstly, during the job search process, it's crucial to tailor our cover letters and resumes to align with the job descriptions. In addition, practicing various interview questions, including behavioral and technical, is essential.

Secondly, actively participate and inquire during various meetings. Don't hesitate or feel reluctant to ask questions, as there are no 'stupid' questions when seeking knowledge.

Thirdly, if you have a genuine passion for your work, engage in discussions with colleagues and supervisors about your career aspirations and the future prospects of your field. Industry professionals often have valuable insights and information that can guide your career decisions.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

After graduation, I would like to be a statistician in a medical company or a medical related-place.

I love researching, so I would like to work for different medical-related projects, accumulate experience and explore the potential to pursue a PhD in the future.

Published: November 2023