Stay Connected!
Subscribe to the UBC Science Co-op Instagram, follow us on LinkedIn, or after graduation, apply to our Alumni group on LinkedIn to receive feeds on full-time job opportunities, mentorship or volunteering opportunities specifically for Co-op graduates!
Read Our Student Focused Co-op Chronicles
Read our through our collection of Co-op Chronicles student interviews, in which students share their reasons for applying, their experiences and the value that they achieved through work-integrated learning.
Listen to our Podcast
Our podcast host, Co-op Coordinator, Sanya Sivic, interviews and shares stories from the Science Co-op community, including senior co-op students, alumni and employers. Tune in to learn about various career development topics, such as advice for students and new co-op supervisors.
Enter our Contests
We run a variety of fun contests throughout the year. Follow us on Instagram to stay updated on details or browse by following the links below.