The purpose of the UBC Science Co-op Student of the Year Award is to recognize a recipient’s achievements in their job performance, academic performance, contributions to the UBC community or their employer, to Co-op education, to the general community and their involvement in extra-curricular activities.
- $1000 cash prize
- An engraved plaque
- Opportunity to be nominated for the BC and Yukon ACE-WIL Student of the Year Award
- The candidate must be a current UBC Science Co-op Student
- You must not have withdrawn from the co-op program, and you must not have graduated already. You are still eligible to apply if you are currently on a study term, or if you have completed all work terms but have not yet graduated.
- The candidate has completed or be in the process of completing at least two Co-op work terms
- The candidate has not previously won the award
Selection Criteria
Candidates are evaluated based on their impact to the three main stakeholders of co-operative education. Each criterion carries 1/3 of the overall score, out of 90. Subsequent review within the committee of the merits of top candidates (based on initial scores) helps to determine the winners.
- Impact on employer (30 pts)
- Impact on student (self) (30 pts)
- Impact on institution (30 pts)
Candidates self-nominate by completing the application themselves.
Nomination Package
Nomination packages should contain the following items, in one PDF, presented in the order below:
- Nomination form
- Employer support form (completed and signed)
- Student’s 2-page essay on the Benefits of Co-operative Education
- Student’s portfolio (optional, two (2) pages maximum)
Submit your application package electronically to main@sciencecoop.ubc.ca
The deadline for the 2024 nominations is 09:00AM PDT November 8, 2024.