Microbiology & Immunology (MBIM)

A man looks at something in a fume hood.

Explore the fascinating world of microbiology and immunology through hands-on experiential learning. You’ll experience cutting edge science, and have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in school. Opportunities typically vary in nature, and generally include experience in the “wet lab”, “dry lab”, research, bioinformatics, clinical research, and microbial testing operations environments. Additionally, students are able to explore these opportunities working with employers from different segments (academic/non-profit research, industry (biotech/biopharma) and government/healthcare) in locations within the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), elsewhere within BC, nationally, and internationally.

Application Deadlines

Apply in YearApplication Deadline Date
2Monday, January 20, 2025
2 & 3Monday, September 15, 2025

Application requirements

  • Have a minimum cumulative average of B- (68%)
  • Be a full-time UBC (Vancouver) student in good academic standing in mathematics, English and the sciences
  • Demonstrate good communication skills, and a responsible, mature attitude
  • Demonstrate leadership, teamwork and time management
  • Demonstrate interest in your chosen field
  • Be flexible and willing to accept a work placement outside the GVRD
  • MBIM Majors and Honors students who didn’t apply in 2nd year and who are registered in MICB 322 may apply for MBIM co-op in the Fall of their 3rd year.
  • MBIM Combined Majors students may apply to MBIM co-op, or to the other degree specialization in their program. Combined major students do not need to be enrolled in a 3rd year MICB lab to be admitted to the MBIM co-op program.

NOTE:  Being eligible does not automatically guarantee your acceptance into the Co-op Program.

Work terms schedules

The schedules below are highly recommended by the Co-op Program in order for students to complete their program within the shortest time frame and are compatible with core MBIM curriculum for Majors, Honor’s, or Combined Major’s programs. Alternate scheduling is available in consultation with your Co-op Coordinator. Students who complete four Co-op Work Terms will graduate with Co-op designation on their degree.

2nd Year Fall Applicants

1Study Term 1Study Term 2       -
2Study Term 3 (apply to co-op)Study Term 4       -
3Work Term 1Work Term 2Work Term 3
4Study Term 5Study Term 6Work Term 4
5Study Term 7Study Term 8       -

This schedule is only available for MBIM or Combined Majors students who apply in the fall term of the second year of their studies.  This schedule is compatible with students in the Honor’s program but not compatible for those students taking MICB 322/323 in the summer term.

Schedule A

1Study Term 1Study Term 2       -
2Study Term 3Study Term 4       -
3Study Term 5Work Term 1Work Term 2
4Study Term 6Study Term 7Work Term 3
5Work Term 4Study Term 8       -

This schedule is available for MBIM or Combined Majors students who are enrolled in MICB 322 in the Winter term only when students apply in the spring of their 2nd year studies. This schedule is not suitable for Honor’s students or for those students taking MICB 322/323 in the summer term, or for students who apply to co-op in the Fall term of 3rd year.

Schedule B

1Study Term 1Study Term 2       -
2Study Term 3Study Term 4       -
3Study Term 5Study Term 6Work Term 1
4Work Term 2Work Term 3Work Term 4
5Study Term 7Study Term 8       -

This schedule is available for MBIM or Combined Majors students, or Honor’s students who are enrolled in MICB 322 in the Winter term, and for students who apply to co-op either in the spring of their 2nd year studies, or in the fall of their 3rd year studies. This schedule is not available for those students taking MICB 322/323 in the summer term.

Schedule C

1Study Term 1Study Term 2       -
2Study Term 3Study Term 4       -
3Study Term 5Study Term 6 
4Work Term 1Work Term 2Work Term 3
5Study Term 7Study Term 8*Work Term 4**
6*Graduation (Nov)  

This schedule is available for MBIM or Combined Majors students, or Honor’s students who are enrolled in MICB 322 in the summer term. If this schedule is selected, students will complete only 3 Work Terms before their 4th year classes but will have an option to complete a 4th co-op work term in the summer after they have completed all academic course requirements. This will delay graduation until the fall graduation ceremony, however the student will graduate with the co-op designation. If the student completes Work Term 1-3 only, they will not graduate with the Co-op distinction on their diploma.

Sample Jobs and Companies

STEMCELL Technologies

Co-op Process Development Antibodies The Co-op student will assist the Process Development team in developing processes for preparation of complex cell culture media. The student will be exposed to dissolution chemistry in industrial scale single-use reactor systems and filtration systems. The project will involve multiple laboratory techniques, including physiochemical analysis, aseptic technique, and possibly some cell culture. In addition, the student will learn how to navigate inventory and document management systems, contribute to the general function of the Process Development laboratory and maintain written records of laboratory procedures, experimental results and all lab work according to company standards.

BC Cancer Research Centre

Clinical Trials Assistant The successful candidate will join a team of clinical trials PK managers to collect blood and other bodily fluids samples from patients enrolled in clinical trials, ranging from Phase I-III. This position will be supporting the clinical trials arm of Experimental Therapeutics and the candidate will be working with strictly confidential patient information and adhering to strict protocols. Typical duties for this position will involve: (i) collecting and processing patient samples taken by the nurse for the clinical trials program, (ii) transporting patients’ samples from hospital to the laboratory, (iii) documenting collected data in forms and (iv) preparing samples for shipment. The candidate will be exposed to highly confidential information from patients who are experiencing different stages of cancer, and will need to handle all information in a professional and considerate manner.

Success Stories

Rob Ragotte

Microbiology & Immunology Major

Completed 16 Months of Co-op 12 months @ Child & Family Research Institute, and 4 months @ Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel – Germany After graduating from the Faculty of Microbiology & Immunology, Rob was accepted into the PhD program for Clinical Medicine at Oxford. Rob cited his experiences in Co-op as the centerpiece of his application, making a very compelling argument as to how the experience he had gained made him a great candidate.

Explore Microbiology & Immunology (MBIM)

Visit the department website

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

UBC Science Co-op

170-6221 University Boulevard V6T 1Z1
604 822 9677

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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