UBC's Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) is a dynamic, interdisciplinary department where basic sciences of physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics, computing and biology are applied to understand how the Earth and planets work. Students are gaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for addressing challenges and opportunities related to resource and water exploration or management; climate change; coastal, mountain and other natural hazards; ocean systems; and more. Research disciplines encompass geological sciences, geophysics, geological engineering, hydrogeology, and oceanography, as well as atmospheric, environmental and planetary sciences. Programs of study are integrated and flexible. The Science Co-op program partners our successful, energetic students with the requirements of employer to ensure the job gets done well.
Sample skill sets
Junior Student: Work Term I and II
Skills depend on discipline: quantitative oriented students have studied math, physics, programming, and data analysis (Python, including exposure to GitHub). Geology students have studied mineralogy, petrology, geologic time and have experienced their first field course. Oceanography students have 3rd year abilities in some combination of math, physics, chemistry and biology.
Intermediate Student: Work Term III and IV
These students have gained laboratory, geologic, computing, data analysis and mathematical skills. They are more self-propelled than junior students. Specific skills depend on disciplinary focus, and may include geologic field and laboratory skills, math, programming, and data analysis for quantitative students (geophysics, oceanography), biology for oceanography focused students.
Senior Students: Work Term V
These students have finished six academic terms and up to sixteen months of work experience. They are seeking challenging positions that offer significant input into project design and development, data acquisition or field responsibilities, and programming or data analysis.